Poem by A Helpless Hindu

Tears flowing, Bodies burning, Life hurling, Cries waving, sadhus crying, outrage dying, liberals Lying, family squeaking, Hypocrisy peaking, leftwing not speaking, twitter warriors only...

Specific law on forced religious conversion is need of hour to Restrict crimes in India

There is an extreme and urgent requirement of anti-conversion laws in all states as well as UT’s of India which will prevent any person from converting or attempting to convert, either directly or otherwise, another person through ‘forcible’ or ‘fraudulent’ means, or by ‘allurement’ or ‘inducement’. At present, Eight states have anti-conversion laws — Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand.

UPSC syllabus Questions

Question  When Bangalore goes up in flames over a Facebook post what does police do? Answer Practice restraint Question When sadhus are lynched by...

Sri Radha, the Human Divine

She holds Sri Krishna in her heart and because she holds him in her heart, she holds the Universe within. And she ascends to the highest and greatest of yogic realizations with this undemanding love, in the most natural manner, sahaja. The two crowning siddhis are hers, that of living in the atman eternally, and that of becoming the utmost flowering of the human heart.