Himalayan ‘Gurukul’ in the Middle of USA

If you think up Himalayan Gurukul (Residential University located in Indian Himalayas), what would you imagine and expect?  Resident students, meditation, Vedic chanting, spiritual...

Education and Liberalism

“The more educated an individual is, the more liberal he will be.”, is what I have grown up hearing. “Only education can remove your superstitious views and make you moderate...

Indian Caste Narrative – Sifting Fact from fiction

When the Europeans tried to make sense of Indian caste system, they have a model readily available - the Sistema de Casta. It was almost identical fit but not an exact fit...The vilification of caste system(which is regularly confused with caste hierarchy) is main stream now. Any evil India faces is a result of caste system. But, there are some fundamental questions which need to be addressed before trashing it as something abhorrent to human nature.

Capitalism v/s Communism

Extremism, as we know is poison. Be it that of medicine. As we get into any debate as to how a country must be...