Destruction of Temples by Aurangzeb Part-II
With an army of 80,000 men, Aurangzeb turned south to Bijapur in 1684. After a long and frantic siege that lasted almost a year,...
With an army of 80,000 men, Aurangzeb turned south to Bijapur in 1684. After a long and frantic siege that lasted almost a year,...
Jani Beg Khan was the Muslim commander of the Mongol army that invaded and besieged the Italian town of Caffa. The siege failed...
Numerous more episodes of Aurangzeb’s obsessive cruelty are described in the Islamic text Maasir-i-Alamgiri, including the plundering of Mathura and the destruction of the...
Import of essential commodities is becoming difficult for Pakistan, which is facing economic crisis. Imports have come to a standstill on a large scale...
While Pakistan has been trapped on one side by the TTP, on the other its economy has been breathing it’s last. The people of...
Both Putin and Xi Jinping are very trusting. They have trust in the wickedness of mankind because all people seem to crave for democracy....
Ever since his comment on intolerance in India a few years ago, Naseeruddin Shah has proceeded to make affable remarks on various characters, too;...
Andolanjeevis and leftist with their encharged chest leave no opportunity to bring out the myth that under Communist rule there has been no...
The largest year loss in the 115-year history of the Swiss National Bank was recorded in 2022 when it lost 132 billion Swiss francs...
I was sleeping in my room when someone knocked on the door. There was a lady at the gate. He said – Your Prime...