Generations have passed waiting for the reconstruction of the mandir .Thousands of Hindus were slaughtered in the direct struggle and lakhs died waiting for struggle to end .Hindus being the majority community in India have waited for more than five hundred years to see their hallowed in his home , isn’t this greatest level of intolerance ?

Some communities in India say that the actual confrontation was of the ownership whereas the the Padma Shree award winner archaeologist K.K .Mohammad who was also the part of investigating team of the year 1976 gives hundreds of corroboration of existence of Ram Mandir .K.K.Mohammad ,in his interview says that approximate 12 pillars relating to Hindu ideology , a purna kalash , a magar jal pranali (holy bathe for idols), Amalakha (top decorated portion ),a Vishnu Shila Falak which contained a clear inscription that the place belonged to one who killed Bali , the place belonged to the one who slaughtered the ten headed were found . Moreover the investigation conducted by Prayagraj high court revealed much more .More than 50 rows and pillar bases relating to Hindu ideology ,more than 250 idols of terracotta and much more was found .

Image featuring stones found at Ram Mandir Site.

Idol worship is haram in Islam ,so it is evident that it was a Hindu temple .Aren’t these corroborations enough for satisfaction of ownership ?. Then why even after bhoomi pujan some people of these communities are find expressing their grief by abusing Hindu gods .Some are find comparing it with Haiga Sophia church of Turkey. Now is this the true picture of secularism ? Where one community threats, the other waits for 500 years ,just for the peaceful settlement of dispute.

As said by our honorable Prime Minister Ram is not only a Hindu god but also an indispensable part of Indian history . The people in grief should accept Ram as a part of Indian history and being a responsible citizen of India one should respect not only Indian culture and history but also the decision of supreme court of India.

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