There are startling hints that after Pakistan’s ISI has crystallised its control over Afghanistan via the Taliban, it may assign Afghans and others to India, specifically in Jammu and Kashmir. India’s red lines pertain to the use of Afghan soil for anti-India terrorism, which the Taliban may cross.

The fall of Panjshir may have been the result of a terrorist exchange. The deal is outspoken, Pakistan assists the Taliban in obtaining Panjshir. In addition, the Taliban will assist Pakistan in spreading terrorism and anti-India resentments in Kashmir. The capture of Panjshir took place this week. It was not only frustrating but also unexpected. Panjshir is thought to be strong, superpowers have attempted and failed in the past.

Pakistan Air Force assisted Taliban militants. The opposition was being bombarded by the Pakistani air force. This claim was strengthened by a former Iranian president. As a decision, the Pakistani army became involved in Panjshir fully. The operation was commanded by Pakistan’s ISI chief, who stayed in Kabul. The individuals attacking Panjshir had their Pakistani identity cards recovered.

Iran has opened an inquiry into foreign involvement in the intrusion of Panjshir. Pakistan’s support made all the difference. This is something we can’t autonomously verify. However, I can assure you that it is a win-win situation for all parties. Islamabad had always aimed for this to happen. In Kabul, set up a proxy government and all hard-liners and Haqqanis should be packed in. Then let slack on Kashmir. This is a scenario we’ all have seen before. Kabul was conquered by the Taliban in 1996. In the same year, brutality in Kashmir exploded. Terrorist onslaughts totalled 4,496. There were around 1,400 civilians dead. This was not an accident. This was the terror ring of Pakistan and the Taliban at work. There were reports in May of last year that the Taliban might intervene in Kashmir. These assertions were denied by their representative.

In May 2020, the Taliban stated that Kashmir was an internal matter for India, but in September 2021, a Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen stated, “As Muslims, we also have the right to raise our voice for Muslims in Kashmir, India, and any other country.”

However, Kashmir is not Panjshir, and the Indian army is not an Afghan resistance force. Nonetheless, the Pakistan-Taliban agreement should serve as a wake-up call. The Taliban cannot be taken at face value in India. Hardliners and Pakistani proxies wield actual authority. They are still India's enemies.



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