uncategorized Who is Muhammad Yunus? One of the strongest demands made by protesting students in Bangladesh was to bring in Muhamad Yunus to replace Sheikh Hasina Wajid as the... by Sakal Sach August 9, 2024August 14, 2024
Current Affairs Hindu from Bangladesh: An uncertain Future Left to their fate by the opportunist political leadership in 1947, they are the most unrecognized minority on the world map who is facing... by Sanat Bhardwaj September 6, 2022
uncategorized Silent Hindu or the Sleeping Hindu Society!!!! If a Hindu Life cannot be protected in India, then nowhere else. People in general and Hindu in particular suffer from selective forgetfulness. The... by Sanat Bhardwaj June 29, 2022
uncategorized How Pakistan has been robbed by Pakistani!! Known for sectarian violence corruption and illegitimate Governance, Pakistan could never evolve out of its hypocrisy. Despite its existence as a nation for nearly seven... by Sanat Bhardwaj April 15, 2022