Media/Entertainment #Brahmastra #Golmal – A HIT on other planets though a FLOP on Planet Earth. The film, a product of Dharma Productions is said to be Bollywood’s most expensive estimated to be over Rs. 410 Crores. The film was... by FirangiAffairs September 12, 2022September 13, 2022
Current Affairs Bajrang Dal: 100 ::: Bollywood: 0. The Cow is SACRED and is supposed to take a Human birth in the next Incarnation. It was reassuring to see Hindus hit the street. The Bajrang Dal, as if from their glory years descended on the streets of Ujjain... by FirangiAffairs September 8, 2022September 8, 2022
Opinions Brahmastra – How Brahma’s weapon of choice will demolish the universe of Dawoodwood In our ancient text, Brahmastra is described as a weapon from the arsenal of supernatural weapons created by Brahma. These are the most destructive,... by Sakal Sach September 2, 2022September 5, 2022