Uncategorized How does Article 25 of Indian Constitution discriminate against Hindus? Article 25 comes under the “right to freedom of religion” which gives the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate any religion. But... by Adarsh February 27, 2023February 27, 2023
Current Affairs With thousands of pending cases, the apex court is busy understanding “Constitutional Morality.” With thousands of pending cases in Supreme Court of India, the apex court is busy understanding the Constitutional Morality. Sr Adv Colin Gonsalves... by Adarsh September 16, 2022September 16, 2022
Uncategorized SC Staying Farm Laws- A case of Judicial Overreach? The Supreme Court today in an unprecedented act stayed the operation of the new Farm Acts without any prima facie grounds of illegality in these legislations by pandering to violent blackmailers and anti-national anarchists. by Gayatri N January 13, 2021January 13, 2021
Uncategorized National Constitution Day or National Cut, Copy – Paste day Not to undermine the credit on the review work of Shri Ambedkarji and the constituent assemblies and their infinite struggles on improving upon the... by Ankit Shah November 26, 2020January 25, 2022
Culture The Ancient & Most Successful Ways to stop Rapes: Let’s move back to our golden past Manu Smriti says that the offender must be burnt to death and moreover this punishment should be exercised by the king as soon as possible. by Sonakshi October 11, 2020February 5, 2022
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Why India is not secular Indians are often reminded about secularism which is a foreign concept. But, experiences show that India is not secular. by Anurag Johari September 19, 2020January 25, 2022
Opinions CENTRAL VISTA PROJECT : INDIA’S FIRST STEP TOWARDS DEVELOPED ECONOMY Narendra Modiji's dream project to be fulfilled by TATA Group and Chief Architect Bimal Patel. by Sonakshi September 17, 2020February 11, 2022
Politically Incorrect UNIFORM CIVIL CODE IS NOT ONE CIVIL CODE – Dr. Ambedkar had chided the muslims for opposing it Uniform Civil Code is a much-discussed subject. It is opposed by some sections, and considered most desirable by many more sections. One of the... by Sanjay Dixit August 22, 2020August 22, 2020