Hindutva for All

It is evident that there is clear separation of religion (Moksha) from other three aspects-Dharma, Artha and Kaama. The King or State's role is to ensure this framework is followed and the foundation- "Dharma", is not compromised. King or State is agnostic to Moksha, as the primary focus of the state is to maintain Dharma.

Save Maa Bharati!

Islam, Evangelism and Communism – these ideologies are suffering each other around the world, are responsible for millions of deaths globally but are unconditionally...

Dharm is Winning

All this started because the people decided to change their minds. They wanted a different narrative and their own voice heard and options emerged. In all these places, politics, movies, journalism, there was the monopoly of a few people with a certain slant. This was challenged by the enlightened masses.