Uncategorized Armaan Ali shot 16-year-old Hindu girl for not talking to him. Two accused have been arrested by the police for attempting to murder a 16-year-old minor girl in Delhi’s Sangam Vihar. At the same... by Adarsh August 31, 2022August 31, 2022
Uncategorized Dilshad forcefully converted and married a minor Hindu girl after abducting her. A case of forced religious conversion and marriage has come to light. A minor Hindu girl had been kidnapped from Uttar Pradesh and... by Adarsh August 31, 2022August 31, 2022
Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs 25-year-old Mohammad Azad arrested for vandalising Shiva temple in Aligarh. A 25-year-old youth has been arrested by the police for vandalizing a Shiva temple in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. This temple is located near... by Adarsh August 30, 2022August 30, 2022