Culture RAM : AN INTERNATIONAL GOD The Eka Karya Botanical Garden of Indonesia describes the Ramayan in an amazing way. by Sonakshi January 14, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized INDIA, THE LAND OF GREAT SAGES: SANT TUKARAM Despite hardships, the people who have the the hand of Bhagwan on their head, attain the eternal supremacy. The story of Sant Tukaram certifies... by Sonakshi December 28, 2020February 5, 2022
Culture Culture THE REASONS BEHIND THE SOCIAL EVILS IN INDIA : LET’S MOVE BACK TO OUR GLORIOUS PAST यत्र नार्यस्य पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: यत्रैयस्तु न पूजयन्ते सर्वस्तत्रप्रफलाः क्रियाः। MANU SMARITI by Sonakshi September 25, 2020September 26, 2020
Opinions Bridging the Mighty Brahmaputra The mighty Brahmaputra is the lifeline of the people of Assam and Northeast. In recent years, the constructions of bridges have picked up thus... by Deepika August 25, 2020February 11, 2022
uncategorized GANPATI BAPPA MORYA from making to Visarjan – A Photo Story GANPATI BAPPA MORYA - From Making To Visarjan by Rajesh Goyal August 22, 2020August 22, 2020
Uncategorized The Invigorating Scents Of Banaras “The holy place of Banaras invokes a world of heavenly feelings and thoughts. Coming straight from the laps of Holy Ganga, Banaras is vastly... by Rajesh Goyal August 15, 2020August 15, 2020
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized IMPRESSIONISM IN FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY “Since the initial days in my photography I really liked to capture portrait of people and depict their lives in my photos and make... by Rajesh Goyal July 23, 2020July 23, 2020
Uncategorized THE JOY OF RELIVING BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY – AN ADVENTUROUS TRIP TO SATTAL, UTTARAKHAND India presents an incredible Diaspora of nature and wildlife that adds to the nation’s overall appeal. Over the years, it has gained fame and love... by Rajesh Goyal July 22, 2020July 22, 2020
Unverified Sources IIP Residency Program 5.0 In The Himalayas. Come… Laying added impetus to photography learning built on exploration, IIP welcomes you all to the IIP Photography Center “The Aranyani” located at Silent Trail... by Rajesh Goyal July 11, 2020July 12, 2020
Unverified Sources KASHI EK UTSAV "I have seen more of Kashi here in 20 minutes than I have lived in during my childhood and education" - Manoj Tiwari by Rajesh Goyal July 5, 2020July 5, 2020