uncategorized How Communist destroyed a Vibrant West Bengal. – Part 1 You destroy Industry; the rest of the Society will decay gradually. A lone sentence that can explain the bitter truth and misfortune of Bengal... by Sanat Bhardwaj October 29, 2022
Current Affairs Current Affairs Bangladesh and West Bengal is no different when it comes to crushing down the rights of Hindus. Bangladesh is an Islamic country and West Bengal is a state of Bharat, the land of Hindus but sadly there seems no difference... by Adarsh September 19, 2022
Uncategorized From ‘Hamba Hamba Ramba Ramba’ to ‘Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume’, Mamta Didi came a long way !! From ‘Hamba Hamba Ramba Ramba’ to ‘Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume’, Mamta Didi came a long way ! Same Mamta who unleashed war against Hindus... by Adarsh September 2, 2022September 2, 2022
Opinions List of all the times @mahuamoitra was not ashamed of West Bengal and Justice under Manta Banerjee I saw these tweets from the very well-mannered, classy Mahua Moitra (who showed middle minger on national TV ) about an out on bail... by BihariBhagwati July 6, 2021July 6, 2021