Why a Civil Engineer needs to be an Astrophysicist and Astronomer.

  • What is Astrophysics and Astronomy?

Astronomy is a Science dealing with the study of celestial bodies and Universe as whole. Astronomy is the oldest Science in existence. Astronomy is an observational science, it is a pure Science discipline. Astrophysics is a modern term for Astronomy, Astrophysics is the study of Physics applied to Astronomical phenomenon or Astronomy. Physics applied to Astronomy is Astrophysics.

  • What is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is a applied Science discipline, which is both theoretical and experimental dealing with Earth Science(Geology related) in order to study and build good building structures. Civil Engineering is a diverse and vast Engineering discipline,Civil Engineering is the oldest of the Engineering branches and it can be said that the first shelter built by humans is Civil Engineering.

Both Civil Engineering and Astronomy are the oldest Science disciplines. From my understanding, Geometry came from Astronomy and Geometry is very much important in Civil Engineering designs(Architecture).

Once a period of time both Astrology and Astronomy were one and the same until they were separated from each other. Geometry came from Astronomy(Astrology also) from my understanding.

Surveying is an art of making measurements of objects on, above or beneath the ground to show their relative positions on paper. The relative position required is either horizontal or vertical.

Astronomical Surveying helps in the study of movements of planets and for calculating local standard times.

Above image: An Astronomical clock in Prague,Czech Republic

So what is the Scope of Astrophysics after Civil Engineering? Is there any scope for Astrophysics in Civil Engineering?

In order to answer the above question, we need to know the answer for this question “why Geology is important for a Civil Engineer?”

Well, Geology is as important for a Civil Engineer as much as Mathematics is important to a Physicist. Civil Engineering is not possible without Geology, just like how Physics cannot be explained without Mathematics. Knowledge of Geology is important to a Civil Engineer because Geology is the study of types of Soil, rocks and stones, minerals and the study of Earth. It is a systematic study or knowledge of types of minerals and their properties, physical and chemical features. This knowledge of Geology is beneficial or helpful for a Civil Engineer in order to understand and help in building proper building structures with good durability.

The rotation of Earth in its own axis causes plates movements and its collision causes Earthquakes. Earthquakes as we know is one of the major challenges for Civil Engineering structures, it is a challenge for a Civil Engineer to build building structures which is Earthquake proof, meaning which can withstand Earthquakes without a loss of human lives. There is a subject in Civil Engineering called Earthquake Engineering which deals with study of building structures which is Earthquake-proof.

So what does Astrophysics has to do with Civil Engineering here? will be the question you have in your mind.

Astrophysics has a scope in Civil Engineering,Now in a study it is concluded that Earthquakes are caused due to powerful Solar flares erupted from Sun.

Let me tell you a fun fact:

Predicting Earthquakes is a well known in Astrology, it is said to be an Astrological phenomenon. Astrology as we know is said to be a pseudoscience in present times. Once a period of time both Astrology and Astronomy were one and the same until they were separated from each other where Astronomy was accepted as Science and Astrology was disregarded as not being Scientific.

Stephen Plagemann, a Scientist working in NASA had published a book called “The Jupiter Effect” where he proposed that solar activity, by affecting the spin of the Earth, could provide a trigger for earthquakes. He was later thrown out of his job because of Astrological touch in his views,he is working as a farmer in England.

Stephen Plagemann proposed his theory based on the discovery of an American Radio Engineer named John H Nelson who discovered that there was a correlation between different Planetary positions with respect to propagation of radio waves. John Nelson concluded that the planetary positions affect Solar activity and which was responsible for this distortion in propagation of Radio waves. You can refer to “Nelson’s theory of propagation”

But ironically, today modern Science is telling the same thing what Stephen Plagemann had proposed.

Our Earth is a Giant magnet and it is concluded that Geomagnetic conditions depend upon the Solar activity. Geomagnetism is linked to Solar activity.

Above image: Solar activity causing Geomagnetism

So we see how Civil Engineering/Astrophysics/Geology are merged here or finds interconnectedness. Siesmology is a subject in Geophysics which deals with study of Earthquakes.

Geotechnical Engineering is a Civil Engineering discipline dealing with rock and soil mechanics for Engineering designs. Structural Engineering deals with the basic structural form and shape of building design or structure.

The above mentioned Civil Engineering disciplines will be useful for Civil Engineers aspiring to become an Astrophysicist and Astronomer.

You can become an Astrophysicist and Astronomer by writing JEST exam or Joint Entrance Screening Test in India.

**References: refer the below links


Above link: Powerful Solar eruptions might trigger Earthquakes.


Above link: How Solar storms causes worse damage when you are near certain rocks.


Above link: Studies supporting the evidence for planetary revolutions and alignments causing Solar activity.


Above link: How Magnetopause location is determined with the help of Solar wind.


Above link: Variations in the Earth’s surface magnetic field from the magnetopause current system

(The copyright of the mentioned images and links doesn’t belong to me. Only used as a reference for my article)

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