How Krishna JanmaBhumi Was Destroyed By Aurangzeb

After Sri Ayodhya Ji, Next should be Sri Mathura Ji, read how Islamic terrorists destroyed Shri Krishna JanmaBhumi exactly how they destroyed Shri Ram Janmabhumi
The Islamic record of Maasir-i-Alamgiri describes many other instances of Aurangzeb’s fanatical cruelty, such as when Aurangzeb plundered the city of Mathura and destroyed the famous Keshava Rai temple in January of 1670. This temple marked the place where Lord Krishna had taken birth, a most important temple to the Vedic tradition, and he built a mosque in its place.
It is said that the richly jeweled deities were taken to Agra where they were placed beneath the steps leading to the Nawab Begum Sahib’s (Jahanara’s) mosque so they could be trampled under the feet of the Muslims. At that time, the name of Mathura was changed to Islamabad for having destroyed the very foundation of deity worship. During the same year, the Sita-Rama temple of Soron was destroyed, along with the Devi Patan temple at Gonda. The local governor of Malwa, under Aurangzeb, had also sent 400 troops to destroy all the temples in Ujjain. Furthermore, as described in Muraqat-i-Abul Hasan, soldiers and assistants from Cuttack, Orissa, and on to Medinipur in Bengal were ordered to destroy every house with a Vedic deity that was built in the last 12 years. No renovations of any such temples were to be allowed.
These kinds of atrocities continued on a regular basis, for which many more descriptions could be supplied. Many of these towns and cities had been where temples were destroyed two or three times. So, it is amazing that the Hindu people would continue to rebuild their temples regardless of how many times the Muslims would come to tear them down. They were so strong in their spiritual insights that they never gave up their faith.
Aurangzeb once took offense when the Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur sided with the Brahmanas concerning an issue posed by them. The emperor had received reports of the guru performing miracles that were contrary to Islam. Thus, Aurangzeb issued an arrest for the Guru to be brought before him. Tegh Bahadur nominated his son Govind Rai as the next guru and then started for Delhi with a few of his associates to take up the Brahmanas’ case. However, on July 12, 1675, they were taken into custody and brought to Sirhind, where they remained in confinement for about 4 months until taken to Delhi on the orders of Aurangzeb. Guru Tegh Bahadur was tortured while in confinement in Sirhind and was finally taken to Delhi in an iron cage on November 5, 1675.
The Subedar of Delhi and the royal Kazi ordered the Guru and his 5 followers to perform miracles, accept Islam, or face death. He denied having any special powers and refused to convert. They were ready to face death. Bhai Mata Das was tied upright between two logs and savagely cut in two from the head down with a saw. Dayal Das was boiled to death in a cauldron of water. While Sati Das was roasted alive while wrapped in cotton. Thereafter, Guru Tegh Bahadur was chained and then beheaded on November 11. In his dying days, he would repeat that his disciples should give up their lives but never their faith.
We can only imagine the level of insanity and most sadistic cruelty one possessed to order such types of death upon people simply because they would not convert to a different religion. But this was not unusual regarding the savage ways that were forced on the Hindus and any non-Muslim people. In this way, Guru Tegh Bahadur had laid down his life in defense of freedom of worship and conscience.
Afterwards, the destruction of all Sikh gurudwaras was an additional part of Aurangzeb’s agenda. In Punjab, Muslim governors killed hundreds of Sikh children and made Sikh women eat the flesh of their own killed children. Banda was another great Sikh who replaced Guru Govind as someone to lead the Sikhs. He was arrested by the Muslim emperor Bhadur Shah and taken to Delhi. There his son was killed in his presence and he was made to eat the flesh of his own children who had been killed before his eyes. Later, Banda was killed by being crushed under the foot of an elephant. Any Muslim bringing the head of a dead Sikh was also awarded money.
It was in 1679 when the jizyah tax was imposed again on all Hindus in order to help gather money for the spread Islam and stamp out all practices of the “infidels.” To protest this, the Hindus organized a blockage of Aurangzeb’s way to the Jama Masjid mosque in Delhi on one Friday. Aurangzeb ordered his men to lead the elephants through the crowd, which caused many men to be trampled to death.
The Mirat-i-Ahmadi records that Darab Khan was sent with a strong army to punish the Rajputs and to destroy the Vedic temples of Khandela. He attacked in March of 1679 and caused the ruin of numerous temples in Khandela and Sanula. The Maasir-i-Alamgiri describes that in May of 1679 Khan Jahan Bahadur arrived from Jodhpur with several carts of deities from the Hindu temples that had been destroyed. Many had precious stones on them, which gave reason for Aurangzeb to praise him. Aurangzeb gave order that some of these deities taken to the outer offices to be cast away, while others were placed beneath the steps of the mosque to be trampled under foot, where they remained until any semblance of them was gone, where fragments may still be there to this day.
In January of 1680, the Maasir-i-Alamgiri describes, prince Mohammad Azam and Khan Jahan Bahadur were authorized to go to Udaipur . Ruhullah Khan and Yakkattaz Khan also went, and there they destroyed numerous temples, among which were some considered to be the wonders of the time. Aurangzeb visited the tank of Udayasagar and ordered all three of the Hindus temples there to be razed to the ground. Then Hasan Ali Khan arrived and stated that 172 temples from nearby areas were also destroyed.
Aurangzeb then went to Chitor in February where it was reported that 63 more temples were put to ruin. During that time, Abu Tarab also reported that 66 more temples
were brought to the ground in Amber, near Jaipur. Later, the significant temple of Someshwar in Mewar was also destroyed. In 1684, he turned south to Bijapur with an army of 80,000 troops. The city and the sultan of the town finally surrendered after a desperate siege that went on for over a year. Its sultan became a prisoner while the kingdom became a Moghul province.
Then he soon went on to Golconda in 1685, which fell and became part of the empire in 1687. However, in the Kalimat-i-Tayyibat, Aurangzeb wrote to Zulfi qar Khan and complained about how strongly the temples in Maharashtra were built, and how he did not have enough manpower to pull them all down efficiently enough. He suggested a team to find the temples, and another that could leisurely stay and pull them down at their own pace.
Aurangzeb’s campaign in the south hit a high point when in 1688 they captured Shambaji and his Brahmana chief minister in an ambush. He was the successor of the great Hindu hero Shivaji. They were brought to the imperial camp where Shambaji, in great defiance, heaped insults on both the emperor and the Prophet. Aurangzeb then had him tortured in a most cruel way by being dismembered at each joint of each limb.
The inhumanity of Aurangzeb was made clear through this if nothing else. Demolition of temples continued to be one of Aurangzeb’s favorite pastimes. Khafi Khan records in his Muntakhab-ul-Lubab that in 1690 he ordered the destruction of all temples in places such as Ellora , Tryambakeshwar, Narasinghpur , and Pandharpur , all significant and holy places of Vedic tradition. Then he went back to Bijapur in 1698 for more of the same.
Even two years before he died, in 1705, Aurangzeb ordered Muhammad Khalil and Khidmat Rai, two of the most notorious of his hatchet-men, to proceed to Pandharpur and demolish the famous temple there, and then take the butchers of the camp and slaughter cows on the site, which would prevent the Hindus from ever wanting to rebuild a temple there.
Ayodhya was also plundered by Aurangzeb, especially the place called Sri Ram Janma Bhoomi , or the location where Lord Rama is said to have taken birth in this world during Treta-yuga, many years prior to the appearance of Lord Krishna. This is another very important temple to Hindus that was torn down by Aurangzeb who built a mosque in its place 500 years ago. It seems clear that if the Muslims of today really wanted to maintain peaceful and progressive relations with the Hindus of India, they would not mind giving back these locations that are important to the Vedic tradition. But if they are not really interested in having idyllic relations, then they will not have any regard for giving these places back. The latter seems to be the case. Yet, when Hindus want to defend their culture and their holy places such as Ayodhya, they are treated as fundamentalists, and great protests are heard throughout the Muslim world over a place that had originally been Hindu all along, as if they had not done enough damage already as can be seen through history and how Muslims had destroyed hundreds and thousands of Hindu temples.
In connection with the Sikh Guru Govind Singh (1675-1708), the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, Raja Ajmer Chand, who was in the Deccan, sent a report to Aurangzeb on the anti-state activities of the Guru. It said that the Guru had formed a new religion and was asking all Hindus to join him and wage war against the Moghul Empire. Aurangzeb, alarmed at this grave report, ordered the dispatch of all available troops at Delhi, Sirhind, and Lahore and join under the command of Wajid Khan, which led to the seven month siege at Anandpur where the Guru was staying. After many attempts to make
the Guru Govind Singh leave the fort under promises of a safe passage, on December 5, 1705 he left Anandpur. However, the Moghuls threw away all promises and set out in hot pursuit of the Guru.
On reaching Sirsa, the Guru entrusted his mother and two young sons to another Sikh to be taken to Delhi to join his wives there. On the way, they met Ganga Ram Kaul, a Kashmiri Brahmana who had been an employee in the Guru’s household. He took them instead to his village Saheri where he usurped the considerable cash and jewelry the Guru’s mother had on her and betrayed them to the Khan of Morinda, who passed them on to Wazir Khan of Sirhind.
Nawab Sher Mohammad Khan of Malerkotla was against any harm coming to the two small boys of the Guru, who were under the age of ten, as that was against Islam. But Dewan Sucha Nand Bhandari Khatri was filled with hatred toward the Guru and the Sikh Khalsa fraternity. Thus, on their refusal to accept Islam, the two young sons were tortured for four days, and were then bricked alive. But when the wall of bricks reached the height of their necks, the wall fell down, so then on December 12, 1705, their throats were slit. The Guru’s mother died of shock on hearing the news.
Only after much fighting and the loss of Sikh soldiers was the escape of the Guru possible. Thereafter, Guru Govind Singh changed the Sikh disposition. He also established that from him onward the guru would be the holy Granth. In 1708, he was stabbed by an unknown Afghan. Knowing he was near death, he went into an enclosure to leave this world in the same manner as the Hindu sages.
According to some reports, as written in Vincent Smith’s History of India, before Aurangzeb died on February 21, 1707, he was full of remorse for at least some of what he had done. He had written to his sons Tara Azam and Kam Bakhsh, “I know not who I am, where I shall go and what will happen to this sinner full of sins. My years have gone by profitless. God has been in my heart but my darkened eyes have recognized not His light. There is no hope for me in the future. When I have lost hope in myself, how can I have hope in others. I have greatly sinned and I know not what torments await me (in the afterlife)” It appears that all the dark deeds he did and the suffering he had caused to others in the name of Islam and Allah had failed to give him
peace of mind and consolation.
Source : Stephen Knapp-Crimes Against India
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