Uncategorized Indian Air Force: “It’s Time To Prevent Air Dominance fighter Sukhoi To Crash Else Lose Air Dominance In The Region” In the last few decades fighter aircraft inductions into the Indian Air Force (IAF), like that of the Russian Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter aircraft in...
uncategorized uncategorized Indian Air Force (IAF) crashes: “Big Stigma on its Gallantry and Intrepidity” Indian Air Force (IAF) has always been considered as the backbone of India’s Defense. Indian Air Force had proved to be extremely frantic when...
Security Security Security Security Maa Bharati Weeps for her brave sons न त्वेवाहं जातु नासं न त्वं नेमे जनाधिपा |न चैव न भविष्याम: सर्वे वयमत: परम् ||2.12|| na tvevāhaṁ jātu nāsaṁ na tvaṁ neme janādhipāḥna...
Uncategorized Repeal of Farm Laws: an uphill Battle or Glee Path for Modi Administration? I am sure that many of us who are big fans of Shakespeare like me, may have read his play “???? ??? ????? ???????...
Policy Policy Policy India Farm Laws: Has these laws proved as Treacherous, brimful, & clandestine Curve for Modi Government? In my article, The Real Reason of Suicide of Indian True Farmer: Apathy, Agony, And Indebtedness? I mentioned how the economic reforms implemented in...
Uncategorized Halal Economics: Toolkit For Economic Jihad (Part 5 Of 5) This is the concluding article of the series “Halal Economics: Toolkit for Economic Jihad”. Part1, Part2, Part3, and Part 4 were published on July...
Uncategorized The Real Reason of Suicide Of Indian True Farmer: Apathy, Agony, and Indebtedness? While growing up in the state called “Wheat Bowl of India”, I remember there were many times when my parents and other community elders...
Uncategorized Halal Economics: Toolkit For Economic Jihad (Part 4 Of 5) This is in continuation of the article “Halal Economics: Toolkit for Economic Jihad”, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 were published on July 4th, July...
Culture GurPurab: “celebration of the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji” ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ! ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ !! WaheGuru Ji ka Khalsa ! WaheGuru Ji ki Fateh !! The word “Guru” is...
Uncategorized Halal Economics: Toolkit For Economic Jihad (Part 3 Of 5) This is in continuation of the article “Halal Economics: Toolkit for Economic Jihad”, Part 1 and Part 2 were published on July 4th and...