Plea in Supreme Court Against Quranic Verses

Plea in Supreme Court against controversial verses of Quran urging Muslims to kill non-Muslims who refuse to convert to Islam. Plea seeks direction to ban Islamist clerics from teaching these verses to young Muslim children to radicalise them and draft them for Islamic terrorism.

Tyranny of Digital Colonialism- Censoring Free Speech

Censoring of Right Wing Free Speech in America by neo-colonial BigTech Giants serves as a wake up call for Indian nationalists. Time for India to regulate these draconian Tech Giants and develop its own Tech Giants with Internet and Social Media Platforms.

Holy Inquisition of Andhra

Hindu Hater Christian ADGP Sunil Kumar To Investigate Serial Temple Destructions In Andhra

Antifa Infiltrates Pro-Trump Capitol Hill Protests

Antifa members disguised as Trump supporters infiltrated the protesters who stormed the US Capitol. A retired military officer confirmed that the Firm XR Vision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia Antifa members to two men inside the Senate yesterday.