Uncategorized Why so much desire within Shiv Sena to join BJP? Root cause. For past six days, there is non stop drama on the Maharashtra political which no news channel is missing. More than two-thirds have revolted...
Politics Politics Where all did the Maharashtra MVA govt botch up? The list is long. I have listed few. Palghar Sadhu lynching: Innocent Hindu Sadhus were killed by a big mob. Culprits went scot-free. Demolition...
uncategorized Dynasty, Nepotism and Supremo culture: the real reason behind the collapse of the Political Parties and Govts in India In Maharashtra the MVA Govt. is under great trouble. It is doubtful if the Govt can survive. Not only MVA, but many other Govts...
Current Affairs How the new delimitation in J&K solve the Kashmir problem permanently? What was at the core of the problem in J&K? Apart from Article 370 and Article 35A, the erstwhile J&K state had 111 seats...
Culture Yogic Wisdom: Why GuruPurnima should be a holiday instead of Sunday? Courtesy and From: His Holiness Sadhguru Why should Sunday be a holiday? What are you doing on a Sunday? Eating potato chips, drinking beer...
History History How US led invasion on IRAQ in 1991 saved the world from succumbing to ISLAM? Saddam Hussein’s power kept growing within the Iraqi power structure and he formally assumed power in 1979. Saddam convened an assembly of Ba’ath party...
Uncategorized Farticide among Turkish Ottoman and Mughal Rulers led to their growth and Downfall as well? What is Farticide? Killing the brothers or the sons of the brothers to either grab the throne and/or to remove the challengers to one’s...
Politics National Herald: How 2000 Crores was made by investing 10 Lakhs in 4 years We have heard of Dell Corporation which started off with a meagre investment from a garage to become a world renowned company. I am...
uncategorized Examples of how Hindus have been manipulated to believe the Communist + Jihadi version of history Hindus are indeed very easy to manipulate. Indian history is so manipulated and is presented in such a way that Hindus consider their very...
History Why NCERT text books glorify 1857 anti-British revolt BUT not Sanyasi revolts? Have you thought about the following points? Why 1857 revolt is so glorified but not Sanyasi revolts? Why Rani Lakshmibai is so glorified but...