Hindus- Through the Eyes of Americans

More than one hundred years back, Swami Vivekanand introduced Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan to Americans. Americans, when addressed as “Sisters and Brothers of America”...

Islamic marriage V/S Hindu Marriage

Let’s understand the conceptual differences between a Hindu and Islamic marriage. Nikah v/s Panigrahan : What is the meaning of “Nikah”? Meaning of "Nikah"...

Linguistic supremacy

  Dr. R.K. Panchal It has been a topic for debate as to which language is superior. And if some languages are superior to...

Ganesh Chaturthi : “Ganpati Bappa Morya”

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ |निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा || “Vakra Tunda Mahakaaya Koti Surya SamaprabhaNirvignam Kurume Deva Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvataa” I worship...