Makar Sankranti – Why it shifted to January 15?

Zooming into 2023, Sankranti’s precise time was 9:35 PM on January 14th. The sun set, making January 15th the auspicious day for Makar Sankranti. During 2024, the auspicious time for Sankranti lies between 7:35 am and 5:46 pm. From 2008 to 2080, the cosmic spotlight shines on January 15th for Makar Sankranti. Post-2081, a celestial shift moves it to January 16th. Yet, some might adhere to the January 15th celebration for a few additional years.

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Durga Puja in Bengal: A Tapestry of Divine Splendor, Cultural Eminence, and Historical Resonance

    আশ্বিনের শারদপ্রাতে বেজে উঠেছে আলোক মঞ্জীর;ধ রণীর বহিরাকাশে অন্তরিত মেঘমালা; প্রকৃতির অন্তরাকাশে জাগরিত জ্যোতির্ময়ী জগন্মাতার আগমন বার্তা। In the autumnal embrace of...

Note on Prajna-Vritti

To know any object, the Atman needs a Vritti. A Vritti is a cognitive modification of the mind. The light of the Atman reflected...