The Evolution of Sankhya

Sankhya darshana is a distinctive contribution of India to world philosophy. It is a pity that it is not studied globally since it impacts not only metaphysics, but psychology, cosmogony, epistemology and soteriology. And it is one of the singular leaps in human thought that eventually, I believe, led to the flowering of Indic civilization, its world-view, its arts and sciences and its continued uniqueness.

corporate gift ideas for employees

Corporate Gift Ideas for Employees, Clients, Customers Corporate gift ideas for employees – Corporate gifts or corporate gifting is a very endearing way to...

What Is the Mantra? – The mantra is the highest possibility of poetry.

It is the sound of the syllables and the words, the rhythm and the harmonies, and the music in the background, the sound behind the sound. One needs to listen to it with utmost attention, silence, not with the physical ear, but in a deeper listening, srotrasya srotram. Let it vibrate through the marrow, be heard with the diaphragm, resonate layer by layer down to the toes and into the ground, and reverberate into space, endlessly. As if it is eternal, which, in reality, it is.

Oldest Education Heritage: India

As we know education is very important in our life, it not only enhances our knowledge but also changes the way we live. When...

Swami Anjenaya Has A Son!

Friends, let me share with you all a lesser-known story about Swami Anjeynaya! Despite the popular belief that he was a bachelor, Swami Anjeynaya...

Ancient Indian Discoveries – Ruler

Namaste As we already know that science have their own limitation to measure the age of ancient period and still scientist are struggling to...

‘Vastu’ & Karma of Ancestors

I have seen people talk about poorvajanma punya and that we should do good deeds so that the good karma helps our future generations...