The Garden of Eden

Mythology Can Be True Most people other than staunch believers in the book take take The Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark and many other...

Nehru Sidelined Sardar Patel on J&K

The Princely States fell under the purview of the States Ministry, which Sardar Patel oversaw. Patel had successfully navigated the difficulty of more than...

Bollywood and glorification of slavery

A discussion regarding how courtesans and prostitutes are portrayed in popular culture has been triggered by the recent controversy surrounding the romanticization of these...

Nehru’s blood brother who deceived!

Following the “1952 Delhi Agreement” between Nehru and the then-J&K Premier Sheikh Abdullah, Article 35A was secretly added to the Indian Constitution in 1954...

LTTE and Christianity

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a terrorist organisation that included Indian Tamils and sought a separate territory for the Tamils of Sri...

How RSS emerged?

India had turbulence prior to independence. So, the divisive tactics that were practised by people like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and others in...