Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Impasse on farm laws-what should govt do next? On 12th Jan 2021, Hon’ble SC stayed the implementation of the 3 farm laws and appointed a 4 member committee to submit the report... by rajendrachola January 13, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized Why it is very important for us to contribute for the construction of Sree Ram Temple at Ayodhya? – Part-2 This is in continuation of my earlier post, the link is given below: Why it is very important for us to contribute for the... by Ashokan KS January 13, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized ‘Remember’ the Liberal hypocrisy: it’s truly unbelievable! Remember in 2011 when tens of thousands of Democrats surged on the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison and physically occupied it for more than... by Dilbert January 13, 2021January 13, 2021
Uncategorized Feminism is pure evil, against vedic culture Women and sudras are not allowed to study the Vedas or teach the Veda. In fact Feminism is a cancer. All societies that have... by Bedanta January 13, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized Golden Gift of 2020 : Hindu Ecosystem and Kreately Year 2020 has disrupted civil life all over the world. The Wuhan virus took away the sheen, progress and vitality of global society. The... by Sanat Bhardwaj January 13, 2021January 13, 2021
Uncategorized THE SEVEN CONTINENTS OF VISHNU PURAN PART ONE, JAMBUDWIPA, aFRICA “this mountain is like the seed-cup of the lotus of the earth” (Vishnupuranam on Mount Meru) So I was randomly perusing the Vishupuranam the... by uday krishna reddy January 13, 2021January 13, 2021
Uncategorized What should judiciary protect – democracy or Mobocracy After US independence from Great Britain, the founding fathers of America wanted to have a separation of powers of the ruler. Earlier the monarch... by rajendrachola January 12, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized BIDEN WIN:WHY ARE THE ANARCHISTS OVER THE MOON ? It is one thing for the Liberals to cheer the victory of Joe Biden, but one doesn’t understand why the cardholders of Commie-jihadi axis... by SaurOOrjit January 12, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized Switch to Signal! As you may know, WhatsApp is a messaging platform many of us use. But, just around a week ago, they introduced a new privacy... by Shivkanant Bhosle January 12, 2021February 5, 2022
Uncategorized Law vs Order or Law and Order? If Democracy is used to subvert Democracy, to what level should Order be maintained at the expense of Law, should the state go into a decision free or should the state use it's might to bring the situation back to normal? by cbkwgl January 11, 2021January 12, 2021