Are You ‘Atmanirbhar’, Hindus? Police And Government Can’t be Everywhere to Save You.

This is what the central government is indirectly suggesting. Dear Hindus, be Atmanirbhar to fight against the organized left and jihadi forces at the national and international levels. You need more Hindu businessmen to battle against the crypto Jihadists such as Tata and Amazon. We need to make organized Atmanirbhar groups in all the spheres. The village, taluka, tahsil, districts, state-, nation, and international, all levels should have an organized wing, which can react and retaliate immediately against any ChristoIslamic attack.

The Best of Light and Dark

There is this one familiar narrative. Goddess Sati goes home. Her father insults her beloved Shiva. And Sati burns herself to ashes. For centuries...

And The tiger roars again..

‘They sent a journalist to prison, what came out of prison is a National Icon.’ We have seen a journalist being transformed into a...