Before the arrival of Islam beginning in the 8th century, Pakistan was a tolerant society home to a diverse plethora of faiths. All lived in harmony. Not only that the great Indus Valley Civilization (better known as Saraswati civilization) took birth in today’s Pakistan.

Then came the barbaric hordes and the Pakistanis gave up their own dharma which taught tolerance, accept differences, inviting criticism and freedom of worship.

Pakistan is in a deep economic crisis. It seems the winter will last long.

In this article we will discuss how will Pakistan benefit if it adopts the polytheistic dharma of the ancestors.

Look at India. You will find Pilgrimage spots starting from the tip of Kashmir to the southern tip touching the Indian ocean. Lets keep the spiritual aspect aside and consider only the financial aspect.

Lets Look at Jagannath Temple, Puri. Not less then 5 lakhs people are dependent financially on Lord Jagannath.

Lets Look at Dwarka. Not less then one million people are dependent financially on Dwaraka Temple.

In nutshell, by my guess, not less than 10 crore people in India are earning their livelihood from religious tourism.

Before advent of Islam, Pakistan had many teerthas. Most of them stand demolished.

Now, you go for Hajj. Please note, you destroyed your religious places and stopped your own employment. And by going to Hajj you are generating employment for Arabs not for yourself.

Among various goals of Islam, by making Hajj mandatory for every Muslim, one of its major goal is also to grab all the money generated from religious tourism and funnel it to Arabia or middle-east.

Coming to our main point, “How will you benefit financially if you give up Islam and adopt the dharma of their ancestors”?

  1. If you revive your teerthas, then pilgrims will start visiting those and that will generate revenues and employment.
  2. If you adopt the dharma of your ancestors, then the pilgrimage of the people within your own country will result to flow of money and create employment.
  3. The money you are spending by doing Hajj which doesn’t benefit your society but the Arabic society will stay in your own nation and generate employment for you.

Had the Taliban converted the Bamiyan Buddhas(instead of destroying it) to tourist places, they would have earned a lot of foreign currency and employment they badly need now. So, Islam has harmed people of Afghanistan including the Taliban financially.

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