There is no place on earth which is today safe for Hindus. Be it Bharat or any foreign country, the Abrahamic stick continues to give blue marks to Hindus. This time the blue mark came from Trinidad and Tobago. On 28th of September, a temple of Ma Kali in Carli Bay in Couva was vandalised by miscreants. These miscreants entered the temple at night and broke the idol of Ma Kali and also smeared olive oil on the idol. The miscreants were Christians who had deep hatred filled against heathens. The attackers wrote a verse from Bible on the walls of the temple, which contains a warning against non-Christians

The ones who vandalised the temple wrote biblical verses in the walls of Ma Kali Temple. If read “Thou shalt have no oth­er gods be­fore me. Thou shalt not make un­to thee any graven im­age, or any like­ness of any thing that is in heav­en above, or that is in the earth be­neath, or that is in the wa­ter un­der the earth.”

Pundit Satyanand Ma­haraj speaking about the incident said “While Trinidad and To­ba­go is a mul­ti-re­li­gious coun­try where we all en­joy free­dom of wor­ship, it seems that some peo­ple are bent on de­stroy­ing the peace­ful co-ex­is­tence that re­li­gious groups en­joy. This act of vi­o­lence un­der the guise of Chris­tian­i­ty must be con­demned by all peo­ple of Faith.” He further added “Ser­vice will con­tin­ue night­ly. Kali Ma­ta is more than a mur­ti, she is a phi­los­o­phy for suc­cess­ful liv­ing. She is the granter of mir­a­cles. Mem­bers have vowed to con­tin­ue to wor­ship and will not be in­tim­i­dat­ed by mis­guid­ed per­sons,”

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