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To find similar authors, you can use the following words: authors similar to Susan Elizabeth Phillips or authors like Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
To find similar authors, you can use the following words: authors similar to Susan Elizabeth Phillips or authors like Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
Now about the media and drugs, let me take you back to a story of 15 years vintage. This was narrated by some security personnel. A huge cache of drugs were seized in Delhi in March 2005. One person was arrested. In the said incident an accomplice got killed. That accomplice was the son of very power person in the media. They entire narrative of this killing was changed as an accident of being a hit and run case. The then Minister of I&B spoke to the Commissioner of Police Delhi of the time and personally ensured that not trail is left All this to ensure the deniability of children of elites of Lutyen’s Delhi indulging in drugs. I do not know the details of the persons. I do not want to sully the image of the child who unfortunately is not longer with us. But I am sharing this to buttress my point that no professional area is free of these menace and we need to escalate the level of diligence. The police personnel were also too keen to peddle this narrative as that would mean avoiding a lot of trouble in the sense that unnecessary media attention could be avoided as well as police personnel would be spared of any encounter killing controversy. So they too were too willing to hush up the matter and make it look like an accident.
Brothers and Sisters before starting this blog, A very very heartfelt ” Namaste” to you all. Today I am writing down few lines on My Religion and...
Namaste to all dear Kreately readers. My name is Rohit Kapoor and I am active on Twitter by the profile @IndianTrainFan as an opinionated...
A very warm “Namaste” to you all, who are reading my articles and blogs, no matter you like my articles, or hate me.. My...
Money is being used for Delhi Riots Anti Hindu propaganda and legal help for Terrorists Legal Rights Observatory has exposed the link Legal Rights...
Yogi Adityanath a true patriot he has been villainized by our media for being a hindu and wearing saffron. Let me tell who are...
Before their conversion, the Nuristanis practiced a form of ancient Hinduism. Non-Muslim religious practices endure in Nuristan today to some degree as folk customs. In their native rural areas, they are often farmers, herders, and dairymen.
"Every Indian American in the US has a family member back home like old parents, brother, sister, friend, business. They want India to be respected and protected from China, which is what Trump can provide. They fear that without Trump, China would start a war with India," notes the memo, which is playing a key role in the campaign, devising its outreach strategy towards the Indian American community. In many must-win battleground states, Indian Americans comprise a substantial and potentially decisive share of the electorate: 190,000 potential voters in Florida, 120,000 in Michigan, 170,000 in Pennsylvania, 150,000 in Georgia, 110,000 in North Carolina, 165,000 in Virginia, and nearly 470,000 in Texas.
Read on as we have something of your interest. Let’s acknowledge the fact that even during the time of pandemic when every sector was...