Congressman Gerry Connolly

Gerry CON-nolly for people OR for himself?

Who is Congressman Gerry Connolly? Is he a concerned legislator, caring, defending, and putting the interest of the people of his congressional district first,...

Dharm is Winning

All this started because the people decided to change their minds. They wanted a different narrative and their own voice heard and options emerged. In all these places, politics, movies, journalism, there was the monopoly of a few people with a certain slant. This was challenged by the enlightened masses.

Why I left democratic party and Why I will Vote TRUMP in november 2020

Cities in USA are burning from looting, rioting, arson and murder. Democrats are encouraging this behavior, what is the similarity between politics in India and USA? Strikingly getting similar for the worst, recent example Delhi riots. They are also asking to dismantle police forces, ICE and homeland security. Can you imagine country without these law enforcement agencies?

The China Challenge

It is time that India stood up for its dharma. And stop giving in and giving up, mistaking weakness for harmony, spinelessness for a higher calling and cowardice for spreading world-peace.