How beautiful! Swamy Dayanand Saraswati Gurukulam in the US
A perfect place for a spiritual family vacation for Hindus in America

80% Indian-Americans or Hindus are changing Political affiliation
Indian Americans generally vote with Democrats and identify with other immigrant groups, but the stirrings of Hindu nationalist awakening may be shifting that alignment....

Minneapolis Police: Obey Criminals
After Minneapolis elected officials voted to defund the police, the Minneapolis Police Department offers residents some tips on how to deal with the city’s...

RamMandir Done…Time to Reclaim Next 40,000.
“Aai, stop…is this us?” My son screamed. I was already a few paces ahead but picked up the delight in his squeal. I hurried...

Sri Ram can Never Be Imam-e-Hind
Ever since the construction of the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir has been in the news, we have also heard that Prabhu Sri Ram is Imam-e-Hind....

One Brave Hindu : Sadhvi Ritambhara Exclusive
watch Kapil Mishra talking to Sadhvi Ritambhara on Ram Mandir: First episode of Krately Media series #OneBraveHindu in which Kapil Mishra talks to Sadhvi...

India without Ram would not be India
Hindus have shown immense restraint and have waited for many decades, and indeed centuries, till finally the Supreme Court gave the green signal for...

PETA, An organization of Deep incompetence
PETA , an organization as it says ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) dedicated for animals and cruelty. People in many countries...

RAFALE- A “Gust of Wind” and “Burst of Fire”- Finally the omni-role is home
Chronology of events of the India’s single largest defence deal Aging of “MiG-21”- the supersonic jet fighter- 1999 With the aging of MiG-21, in...