The Kerala High Court on Tuesday dismissed the petition of Malayalam channel Media One TV challenging the Union Government’s order barring its transmission. Earlier,...
Barring Bhaskara’s Bhedabheda ( identity – in – difference ) interpretation of Vedanta Sutras, Ramanuja’s was the first comprehensive criticism of the Vedanta as...
Scholars in the field have migrated from the “Aryan Invasion theory” – Even the greatest specialists have failed to prove the Aryan invasion theory:...
Battle of Dewair/Diver (1582) – When Maharana Pratap defeated Mughals The first Battle of Dewair/Diver was fought between Rajput army and Mughal army in...
On 11th of November, 1957 EVR wrote disparagingly about Dr Ambedkar, claiming that Brahmins had fixed a price for Ambedkar in form of reservations and...