The Tanishq ad and #LoveJihad

It is a recurring trend in ads and bollywood movies to show Brahmins and baniyas as manipulative cheats (in contrast to muslim imams and guys being the pious fatherly figures), a proper Hindi or Sanskrit speaking guy as a clown (in contrast to the deep profundity of Urdu speaking muslim guys), narrow-minded Hindu guys refusing services from a muslim (in contrast to the open-minded muslims). This ad just continues a trend, and hence the Hindu community has decided to object to these persistently one-sided depictions.

Marxists are Anti-Science-P1

The Marxists once in power at Soviet, had all sorts of problem with Einstein. The ideas and theories of Einstein appeared anti-Marxism to them for non confirmatory to dialectic-materialism (Einstein and Soviet Ideology, p. 18-19). Lenin's "Materialism and empirio-criticism" had become tool to judge science and pass censorship regarding what is "Science". A.K.Timiriazev & A.A.Maksimov Timiriazev were the most influential scientist in the Communist Academy of the Social Sciences. They were most active member of the editorial board of the Marxist theoretical journal, "Under the Banner of Marxism." Timiriazev, found Einstein’s theories falling “far below the norm” and required "strict verification". Lenin goes on to write in "On the Significance of Militant Materialism" that Timiriazev’s article on Einstein made Lenin hopeful that the modern natural scientists will defend and preach against the idealism and skepticism.

Alauddin Khilji’s Devagiri Raid of 1296 – Fact or Fiction?

While we assume at face value that Alauddin Khilji raided Devagiri and took the fort, a reconstruction of the same is nearly impossible. Yadava Territory extended deep into Bundelkhand, Ramadeva was the last pre-Islamic king to rule Kashi and build a temple there and the distances involved from the borders of Yadava Empire, the troop strength of Alauddin Khilji and the contemporary politics of Deccan make one wonder if the raid really happen.

Robert Caldwell and his Dravidian Theory – how long should we tolerate?

Robert Caldwell came up with some fantastic ideas - Dravidian Language Family which is related with Scythian and even Australian Language Families and not Sanskrit, a supposed Scythian Invasion which ejected the Dravidians out of North India - and the Scythians themselves faced the same fate in the hands of Aryans, and many such. These fantastic ideas are still held in high esteem - if not in whole, but in parts and have wrought unexplainable damage to the Indian narrative.

Rahul, Modi knows Science Better

If life makes you Rahul, never be Rahul Gandhi. Today Rahul Gandhi has proved to be one of the most non-intelligent politician of recent times. Perhaps even the team which INC appoints to see social media contents seems to be one among worst line-ups. Today he tweeted the video of the PM Narendra Modi explaining how water can be extracted from the Wind Turbines mentioning it as a goof-up.

Will the real uSA stand up please to the chinese bullying?

The US has lost its focus. It has attempted to observe decorum while China eats away its lunch; whether it is in stealing technological knowhow or decimating American agriculture or manufacturing or manipulating the Renminbi to give unfair advantage to Chinese exporters and businesses. The eagle has dissipated its energies and is trying to outsmart the cunning adversary. In the process, it has steadily lost its strength and advantage to a far more incisive enemy. The US attempted to challenge the usurper not on its own strengths but on its weakness, a surefire way to rapid evisceration. The dragon will outlast the eagle, if this continues.

When The tyrant Plays the victim in #Kashmir

Every sensation, every breath. To lose everything their child might hold special, every memory. With a trauma that one does not wish to imagine for one’s worst enemies. Each instant, a fist rising from nowhere and bloodying their face, with numbness and humiliation, with a laceration so deep only a Jesus or Buddha could heal. Even today, when Modi attempts to reverse those decades of betrayal, I do not see a sense of victory or euphoria in them. Who will recover them their home? Their childhood? Their trust in their people?

Hathras Lessons: Old Politics is Dead and Buried

First of all, Dalit victimhood is dead. Yes, Dalits still lag most communities on socio-economic indicators but caste-driven inferiorities are all but jettisoned. With rise of BJP and its aggressive wooing of Dalits in Hindu fold, Dalits are more confident and even-handed in dealing with secular politicians and their pimps. Nothing testifies better than the attitude of victim's brother in Hatharas tragedy. Vultures were descending upon him to feast on family grief. He understood that media moguls and political leaders need him more than he need them as Modi and Yogi also care about him and his family. Local BJP MP was standing firmly with his family.

Who is Shiva?

To my understanding, Shiva is our highest possibility. Hinduism has always maintained that not only is it possible to experience and live the Divine, Divinity is our inherent nature. Shiva is the pure consciousness, without any attributes, other than absolute stillness upholding intensest activity, the ineffable, the formless and the all-pervasive. One of the highest realizations of Vedanta is Shivoham, that Shiva am I. It is only appropriate that he who is nothing, is also the dance of the cosmos as Nataraja, and the fourth state of awareness beyond waking, sleep and dream, known as turiya. And his oneness with Shakti gives us one of the profoundest symbols of male and female complementarity in the ardha-nareeshvara.