Uncategorized Hey @shalomworlnews, #Stanswamy Was As Much A Human Rights Activist, As The Pedophile Priests, Child Rights Activists Saw your video about the death of StanSwamy where you have insinuated that he did not receive good medical care . https://twitter.com/shalomworldnews/status/1412354384651075584?s=20 That man... by BihariBhagwati July 9, 2021February 2, 2022
Uncategorized hey @ricdssj , #stanswamy was as much a Human RIghts activists , as the paedophile priests , Child Rights Activists ref @americamag Read your article about the natural death of am 84 year old man, Stan Swamy from China Virus in a multi specilaity Hospital .Oh... by BihariBhagwati July 9, 2021February 2, 2022
Opinions The factually incorrect statements from so called eminent lawyer @karunaNundy about The Death of #StanSwamy I saw a tweet from the very famous, and so called EMINENT lawyer Ms. Karuna Nundy . I was not shocked at the internet... by BihariBhagwati July 6, 2021February 2, 2022
Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions How The Death of UrbanNaxal StanSwamy at 84, exposes fake feminist like @fayedsouza Saw the chest beating , Rudali crying non stop tweets over the NATURAl death of 84 year , out on bail crime accused StanSwamy.... by BihariBhagwati July 6, 2021February 2, 2022
Uncategorized List of all the times @mahuamoitra was not ashamed of West Bengal and Justice under Manta Banerjee I saw these tweets from the very well-mannered, classy Mahua Moitra (who showed middle minger on national TV ) about an out on bail... by BihariBhagwati July 6, 2021July 6, 2021