Education Selected Verses from The Agni Purana Hari, the imperishable lord, is always to be contemplated upon by those who meditate on him. Without him staying at Dvaraka, the Ocean flooded... by Dharma Persona May 9, 2022May 24, 2022
Uncategorized Selected Verses From The Adhyatma Upanishad Superimposition is the thought, ‘I am, and mine are the body, the senses, etc.’, which are all other than the True Self. Through devotion... by Dharma Persona January 28, 2022July 24, 2022
Uncategorized Selected Verses From The Narsimha Purana The Moon similarly cannot illumine The Sun. However, an exclusive devotee of Lord Vishnu, attains to honor and prestige, in spite of being physically... by Dharma Persona January 20, 2022June 2, 2022
Uncategorized Selected Verses From The Vishnu Purana Parashara replied – I had heard that my father had been devoured by a Demon employed by Visvamitra, thus violent anger seized me, and... by Dharma Persona January 19, 2022June 2, 2022
Uncategorized Selected Verses From Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 11 – The Uddhava Gita One should have form faith that he will achieve all success in life by following those scriptures that describe the glories of the Supreme... by Dharma Persona January 9, 2022
Uncategorized Astrology and Sanathan Dharma It is said that from Astrology came religion and not from religion came Astrology. “Astrology and Astronomy” were always the cradle for birth of... by Abhinav Kashyap November 5, 2021November 6, 2021
Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture The Origin & Importance of The Puranas Among the great personalities who came to worship the lotus feet of the Lord were those who had attained perfection in self-control and regulative... by Dharma Persona October 4, 2021May 8, 2022
History History Lawik : The Pride of Hindu Shahi – An Untold Story. What can I do for you? A stern voice from a Buddhist Monk has shaken Lawik. The legendary Hindu warrior in the era around... by Sanat Bhardwaj July 10, 2021January 12, 2022
Opinions Opinions 6th Dec- Shaurya Diwas: Reclaim Your Heritage History and Heritage are inexpugnable and immortal. The owner will Claim them one day. The 6th Dec-1992 Shaurya Diwas (Day of Valor) is the... by Sanat Bhardwaj December 5, 2020February 5, 2022
Uncategorized In this war of “5000 vs 500” I as modern day Shudra request my fellow Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaishyas to up their game. I am an average Indian born in a jaati which started off as Brahmins around 700 AD and subsequently transformed themselves as Kshatriyas and... by Indic Kartavya October 15, 2020October 15, 2020