Perpetual Abrahamic Appeasement Gives Impetus to Conversion of Hindus & Secessionism

If PM Modi wishes to really break away from the old rusty appeasement policy of the past which retarded Bharat’s development and standing in the world as a force to reckon with, he needs to get rid of the legacy of appeasement he inherited for a true “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”. As the minority appeasement till now has only nurtured the feeling of otherness which has resulted in various secessionist tendencies, fanned jihadi and Christian evangelical fundamentalism.

Islamist Bodies Seek Their Pound of Flesh from Biden

Islamist organisations in the US have started demanding a free pass for Islamic terrorism and extremism from Joe Biden for their support in the 2020 elections. Would Biden bend? What are its repercussions for India?

Dhimmitude of Chanting “Lá iláha illallah” at the holy Shrine of Swami Ayyappan in Sabarimala

Modern secular “Gurus” have started the despicable practice of making devotees of Bhagwan Ayyappan at Sabarimala in Kerala chant “Lá iláha illallah” before they climb the Sabari hill to reach the holy shrine of Ayyappan Swami. Jihadis in Kashmir hounded out and massacred the miniscule minority Kashmiri Hindus by chanting, “Nara-e-Takbeer” (enlargement of Islam) “Yahan kya chalega? “Lá iláha illallah”. Pilgrims and ardent devotees of Ayyappan Swami who are made to chant “Lá iláha illallah”, need to open their eyes and not remain Dhimmis in independent India.

Pakistan Rewarded $10M US Grant for Gender Pogrom of Minorities

The $10 million largesse offered by the US for “gender programs” would only fund many more kidnapping, rapes, forceful conversions and dubious marriages of young minor girls belonging to minority communities in Pakistan the same way as Pakistan uses the arms, ammunitions and F-16 fighter planes provided by the US to promote terrorism in India rather than the official purpose for combating terror in Afghanistan. The Covid-19 Relief Bill which is touted by the Democrats and Republicans as relief fund for hardworking Americans is actually swindling them by giving them a relief of mere 7-10% of the total $900 billion fund and squandering a majority of the funds on notorious terror breeding Pakistani and Palestinian (US Grant :$250 million) establishments.

Strident Baloch Activist & Pakistani Refugee Karima Baloch Dead Under Justin Trudeau’s Watch

Justin Trudeau capriciously interferes in the internal affairs of India by promoting Khalistani terrorists’ sponsored ‘Farmers’ Protest’ against the new Farm Bill which is actually beneficial to the Indian farmers and enables them to earn five times their current income by setting them free from the encumbrances of APMC mandi control regime; a true activist, Karima Baloch, and bold voice against gross human rights violations by the Pakistani establishment is silenced under his watch. Is Justin Trudeau promoting the cause of Pakistan, which employs terrorism as a state policy?

UK Identifies New & Deadlier Coronavirus Strain: As a Preventive Measure India Bans Travel from UK

The Covid-19 pandemic came into India mainly due to travelers from abroad, the UK in particular apart from the huge Islamic Markaz meet in Delhi, which proved to be a super spreader of the virus all across India, the powers that be at the Centre should now at a war footing take steps to ban travel from UK as each flight from the UK could be inviting in the deadlier variety of Covid-19 which is said to be very contagious and severe.