Christmas Is For Conversion?

Christmas has no connection with Christians whatsoever. It was a conversion tool to convert pagans and polytheistic faiths of northern hemisphere into Christian fold.Why...

Charter of a Sanatani Hindu

Sanatani Hindu is a way of Life. It is a composite culture, a civilization and Perpetual (Sanatan) stream of truth.  It is a belief...

is there A Doctor in the White House?

“Jill Biden should think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic.” writes Joseph Epstein in the Wall Street Journal. “Madame First Lady—Mrs....

The Uttarpara Speech of #SriAurobindo

If there is one speech that every Indian must read, and not once but again and again, it is Sri Aurobindo’s speech in Uttarpara on May 30th, 1909, after his release from Alipore Jail. It is greater in significance for the nation than Nehru’s ‘Tryst with Destiny’ or Gandhi’s Ahmedabad trial in 1922 where he ‘plead guilty’ to the Chauri Chaura incident. And it is equal in relevance to some of the greatest speeches that changed the world in modern times, including Churchill’s ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ and Roosevelt’s ‘a date that shall live in infamy’ or Swami Vivekananda’s speech in Chicago conference of religions in 1892.

Kashmiriyat, Sufism and pretense of Secularism

A polity that systematically discriminate against citizens on the basis of religious identity must cast away any pretense of secularism. Its time we should have a hard look at the concept of kashmiriyat and put it on table for debate.