Photo Courtesy: Transparency International Each one disapproves, even hates corruption. Then why is that the corruption doesn’t go away? A thought provoking answer was:...
Photo Courtesy: Indian Council for Cultural Relations (An Open Letter to ICCR and MEA, Government of India) Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is...
Professor Gordon Klein , who teaches financial analysis, law, and public policy at the University of California at Los Angeles, writes: “Recently, I was...
Hatred of Hindutva may lead to Hindumisia. Should ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’, an overly political event, be given legitimacy on Western campuses? Especially, when it is disguised as an academic conference?
IIT Delhi has also announced PhD fellowship for students from Afghanistan. Instead of following the admission cycle, the institute will process PhD candidates' applications if and when they apply on a rolling basis.