Alexander in Afghanistan – The Unknown Disaster

Alexander was neither the first nor the last who suffered in Afghanistan - but he is easily the one who suffered the most. In spite of criss-crossing Afghanistan many a time, all he was able to achieve is a series of failures. His marriage to the daughter of Oxyartes, a Sogdian noble was the only thing which changed his fortunes and allowed him to scamper back to Persia where he died of battle wounds.

Bappa Rawal – The Untold Legend OF mewar.

Bappa Rawal, (8th century) was a celebrated King of Mewar region in Rajasthan. He is identified as having predecessors of present days Gahlot, Sisodia, Kalabhoj, Shiladitya and Khumana who ruled Mewar during different phases of time. Bappa Rawal in a sense had broken the myth that Indian Kings could not unite against foreign invaders to protect the mother land. The fake narrative to divide and derecognize them has been in history books for too long. The ferocity and bravery of Bappa Rawal was so astounding that subjects offered him the name of reverence Bappa. (मेवाड़ का संस्थापक पिता)

Ahom Foundation Legends – Stories of Animist India

The Tribal India coexisted with the mainstream India for millenia but maintained it's own traditions. There was a bidirectional flow of influence and syncretism being such perfect that the tribal religions are treated as a part of Hindu whole. Ahoms are one of the last tribes which migrated into India. Till the last, they maintained their traditional customs but modelled their religion on the traditional Hindu structure. Their foundation myth and other traditional culture reminds one how different they are from other Indians and at the same time, how same they are, to other Indians.

The reality of Alexander’s “greatness”

Mainstream Indian history writing is a mess. It still follows many norms, structures, timelines that were specifically and arbitrarily designed and imposed on Indians...

Kakatiya Empire and Islam – conquest and unparalleled fightback

The Kakatiyas were a tough nut to crack for the Islamic Armies from the start. But, the spectacular speed with which Kakatiya Empire collapsed was actually the reason why Delhi Sultanates weren't able to gain a foothold in the South - simply put, the Empire disappeared but not it's armies. The resistance the armies put meant that Delhi Sultanate wasn't able to set it's foot in the territory for the next 300-350 years.