Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made the announcement on a consensus which has been built between the G20 leaders.  A leadership declaration is adopted, which means that the group has officially committed to the following principles and goals:
  • Promoting sustainable and inclusive growth: The declaration calls for the G20 to work together to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, which means growth that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy few. This includes investing in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, and creating jobs.
  • Tackling climate change: The declaration recognizes that climate change is a serious threat to the global economy and security, and calls for the G20 to take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and phasing out fossil fuels.
  • Reducing inequality: The declaration acknowledges that inequality is a major problem in the world, and calls for the G20 to take steps to reduce it. This includes raising the minimum wage, investing in education and healthcare, and providing social safety nets.
  • Strengthening the global financial system: The declaration calls for the G20 to work together to strengthen the global financial system, making it more resilient to shocks and crises. This includes reforming the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and improving financial regulation.
  • Enhancing global cooperation: The declaration emphasizes the importance of global cooperation to address the challenges facing the world. This includes working together to fight terrorism, promote peace and security, and address climate change.

According to EAM S Jaishankar, G20 Declaration focuses on promoting strong, sustainable, inclusive growth.

On counter-terrorism, EAM Dr S Jaishankar says,

“I would draw your attention to paragraphs 74 and 75 of the leaders’ declaration. 75 speaks about the role of the FATF because clearly, the financing of terrorism is a very strong concern which the entire international community, not just the G 20 shares. The 74 deals with illicit trafficking and diversion of small arms and light weapons. So I think these are concerns. So within the G 20, I think these conversations are quite helpful, but obviously, in terms of policy action, they will be carried into their mechanisms and forums which focus on the issue.”

The adoption of the leadership declaration is a significant step forward in addressing these global challenges. It also shows that the G20 is committed to working together to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable world.


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