Jesus: A Garba-Loving Psychopath?

Why am I writing about Jesus being a psychopath? Because it is written about in Christian Today publication. A psychopath is someone who has psychotic traits. According to a top psychologist at the University of Oxford - Dr. Kevin Dutton, Jesus, among others, were ranked according to the psychopathic traits they exhibit. Dr. Dutton was associated with the department of Experimental Psychology and has ranked global leaders according to the traits. This includes Emperor Nero, Hitler, Idi Amin, Ted Bundy, Hannibal Lector, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Gujarati, Garba-loving Jesus.

Who is Mahalakshmi?

Mahalakshmi represents the Divine Power and Godhead of true prosperity, nay opulence, that comes only when all the conditions for her descent are fulfilled. For even if she appears where there may be squalor of thought or feeling, she will move on swiftly, leaving a nation or region far poorer and desolate than before she manifested.

Pashtun: Between Pakistan and Afghanistan

When a historical and civilizational ancestry is erased, the society never recovers. Diplomacy bereft of civilizational understanding can never offer solutions to complex social...