Sita, Radha and Laxmi in Bollywood

Bollywood has long tradition of naming the protagonists by hindu deities. Let’s see three examples here: The movie Fire (1996) was based on the...

Sri Krishna Deva Raya or Prithviraj Chauhan – Whom should india follow today?

If you are asked to choose between Krishna Deva Raya and Prithviraj Chauhan as a role model for India, whom would you choose? Both were products of their generations and acted as is the expectation. For one, Dharma is to follow the rule book, for the other Dharma is perseverance and safety of his people. What lessons can they teach us, and what can India learn from the way the both handled the things?

They Too Have Castes and Sects: Shia Sunni, Catholic, Protestants Bla Bla Bla ….

Whenever any Mullah preaches you on castes ask him about his sect whether he belongs to Shia, Sunni, or Khawarij, and when any Christian does so, ask his sect to which he belongs: Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox, when Buddhist, ask him about his sect Hinayana, Mahayana, or Vajrayana.

The Mother

And it is not as unique to the Hindus as it might seem to the Western mind. For the maternal principle has existed since the earliest preoccupations of mankind with divinity. Even in Christianity (at least some denominations), the Virgin Mother, who gave birth to the divine child is honored and worshipped. This principle is expressed in various depictions in our archetypes such as the Earth Mother, our nation as Motherland, our own language or alma mater, or the entire Universe as a nurturing and pervading Might.