Know everything about Shri Krishna

1) Krishna was born 5,252 years ago as on 11/08/2020. 2) Date of Birth : 18th July, 3,228 B.C 3) Month : Shravan 4) Day : Ashtami 5) Nakshatra : Rohini 6) Day : Wednesday 7) Time : 00:00 A.M. 8) Shri Krishna lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days. 9) Date of Death : 18th February 3102 B.C. 10) When Krishna was 89 years old; the mega war (Kurukshetra) took place.

Farmers bill 2020 – A Real Story

Dad explained we are protesting as we are afraid of unknown just like that little bird I had. We are content staying poor and malnourished with the so called Hindu Rate of Growth (Hinduism got nothing to do with it, it was the socialism of Nehru which killed our growth story)