Did Zakir Naik fund Delhi Riots?
Did Zakir Naik also fund court cases and media coverage supporting Terrorists like Tahir Hussain, Safoora Jargar? Did Zakir Naik also Give money to...
Did Zakir Naik also fund court cases and media coverage supporting Terrorists like Tahir Hussain, Safoora Jargar? Did Zakir Naik also Give money to...
British Maths was built for 1, 2, 3... based on Ancient Greek philosophy and looking to the ground 300 BCE. India's simpler Maths was built for ...-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3... based on science and looking to the stars 628 CE.
Much has been written about Modi and his politics from 2002. Today I make an attempt to explain why he has won every political...
It is true that I have been reluctant to refer to China as our ‘enemy’. Pakistan has been firmly entrenched in that position till...
Get on your bike and go look for him! She said. With a grunt, I got on my bike and waited inside the garage...
Taye Kadu, Pastor of Pentecostal Church, and his two companion Shri Chatung Sopung and Shri Tali Langdo with other members of Church forced Miss...
Exponentially increasing energy demand, pollution reduction, and waste management are few challenges India is facing now. Soil-to-soil technology can be a solution to all these issues.
Ban on Chinese apps is likely to neuter their advantage in techint domain, and stop their spying on Indian troops using Mobile phones.
singapure : which was turn derived from Sanskrit word for lion city in brahmi language simhapure simha means lion and pura means city lions of...
A Journalist as a Fact-checker in IFCN certified agency NewscheckerIn