Why a polytheistic religion is more compatible with DEMOCRACY than a monotheistic one?
What is a democracy? As Abraham Lincoln has summarized a “democracy” is OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE. It means,...

Kashmiri Pandits are being killed for liking Breaking Bad more than Game Of Thrones !!
Walter White aka Heisenberg was involved in the drug business and used to trade blue-meth which is harmful for the society and Kashmiri...

The state of economy in Pakistan
As shown in videos extensively disseminated on social media, people in Pakistan were forced to use plastic bags to satisfy their LPG (cooking gas)...

16 Christians returned to Hindu Dharma
Six Pracharaks have been assigned by GHHF to visit the homes of both Christians and Muslims to discuss Hinduism. Many of the villagers have...

The Shocking Truth about Mehmood Ghaznavi
Yamn-ud-Dawla Abul-Qim Mamd ibn Sebüktegn, better known as Mahmud of Ghazni or Mehmood Ghaznavi (971–1030 AD), was a despotic tyrant who murdered hundreds of...

Savitribhai Phule: A real feminist
Savitribai Phule was a trailblazer who opposed repressive social standards in her fight for women’s rights, equality, and justice. She is officially recognized as...

Mahmoud Ghazni: A marauder invaded Bharat to end Vedic tradition
Mahmoud Ghazni (also known as Muhammad of Ghazni) was among the most vicious of all invaders. He had promised to invade India every year...

Why and How the ISLAMIC rule stopped the Industrial revolution from happening in INDIA?
Before we delve in to the topic, lets get some background. The various economic systems the Human race has seen so far at a...

When Pakistan Army shot 70 Somalis!
In Mogadishu, Somalia, on June 13, 1993, a machine gun-wielding member of the Pakistani contingent of UNOSOM II opened fire on a throng of...