Why Hindus need to rewrite their history to expose the communist-marxist education system of India that has been anti hindu and pro Islamic Invaders.

When the Britishers had observed the ancient Indian education practices and sytems such as Gurukuls, they had understood that to destroy India they had to first destroy our systems of imparting education that made it impossible to brak india for them while they flourished. So they started convent schools, converted large sections of populations of hindus to christianity and taught Hindus self hatred for their culture and how British culture and the christian faith were superior to everything indian. The roots of the modern indian education system lies in these systems.

Specific law on forced religious conversion is need of hour to Restrict crimes in India

There is an extreme and urgent requirement of anti-conversion laws in all states as well as UT’s of India which will prevent any person from converting or attempting to convert, either directly or otherwise, another person through ‘forcible’ or ‘fraudulent’ means, or by ‘allurement’ or ‘inducement’. At present, Eight states have anti-conversion laws — Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand.


Secularism does not means adding the word 'Great' before the one who even don't know the meaning of greatness. Secularism does not means to kill the names of those who sacrificed for their Motherland

When Hindu Awakens, Indology meets Truth

यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत Iअभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानम सृज्याहम II Whenever, O Bharat, righteousness (dharm) declinesand unrighteousness is rampant,I manifest myself. “History is written...

Art by Paramita Kar