Uncategorized Meanings Of ‘Tiranga’ For Indian Commoners: Then And Now Indians are celebrating 74th Independence Day worldwide this year. Years pass by, but one thing that doesn’t change for a true national is the... by Ina Siwach August 15, 2020August 18, 2020
Uncategorized Make india great again India used to be a great country with rich culture, quality schooling, and a very nice overall place. However, because of the Mughals and... by Shivkanant Bhosle August 14, 2020August 14, 2020
Culture Culture Culture I am a Right Wing Indian Christian & I am pissed by false narratives… Well, by now, some of you might have seen my response to the disgusting and misleading tweet made by Sagarika, who said that “Ram... by Gloria Joseph August 11, 2020August 11, 2020
Uncategorized 370 days after abrogating Article 370: A Precise Report Card As on today, August 10, 2020, it is now exactly 370 days since the abrogation of Article 370. It was a bold step by... by Pranjal Singh August 10, 2020August 10, 2020
Uncategorized How abrogation of Article 370 led to decline of terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir Although, the security forces were given a free hand by the Modi Government to tackle terrorism in the valley, there still were some local... by Pranjal Singh August 10, 2020August 10, 2020
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized How the removal of Article 370 removed Kashmir’s status as an apartheid state. Exactly one year ago, one August 5th 2019, a 72-year wait was over. Prime minister Narendra Modi of India had just reversed the political... by Preity Upala August 9, 2020August 9, 2020
Uncategorized SANATAN DHARMA-THE ROOT OF ALL RELIGION Sanatana Dharma’s roots predate time immemorial. It is recorded in Quran and Bible too that such people and civilisation existed, who worshipped natural forces... by sarahkalidasi August 7, 2020August 7, 2020
Opinions Reasons why Oprah Winfrey is an irresponsible ignoramus Oprah is back. Kind of. She is trying to become relevant again, competing with other idiotic social justice woke warriors in show biz. She... by Bhollywood ka Keeda August 6, 2020August 7, 2020
Uncategorized Twitter: Fix Fake Ashoka Chakra On Indian Flag! HISTORY The Indian National Flag represents the hopes and aspirations of the people of India. It is the symbol of India’s national pride. After... by Jonathan J. Crabtree August 6, 2020August 6, 2020
Uncategorized Five Reasons why India’s Article 370 abrogation on Kashmir is well justified Aug 5th, the day when entire India resonates for two main reasons, One being abrogation of article 370 of Indian Constitution for Kashmir and... by Kiran August 6, 2020August 6, 2020