Uncategorized Beating about the bush called Putin Long ago, the world used to beat about the bush called Bush, first the Elder and then the Younger, for attacking a fellow called... by RN Prasher November 24, 2022
Uncategorized Swinging America Votes: No swing is too far Americans have two main parties in addition to everyday and everynight parties and in all of these they party hard. In the Party of... by RN Prasher November 19, 2022
Satire Satire Satire Satire Satire Satire Satire Satire Satire New York Rats. Rahul and the Elephant The Economist, November 10, 2022 – Eric Adams, New York’s Pied Piper, declares war on Rats They scare in New York, they are eaten... by RN Prasher November 14, 2022
Uncategorized The Right, The Left and the in-Betweens A Walt Disney animation film “How to ride a horse” had echoed the age-old confusion. “The right side to mount a horse is the... by RN Prasher November 9, 2022
Uncategorized China like America or America Like China? by RN Prasher November 8, 2022November 8, 2022
Politics When the witches failed, the US used Satan The American Association of Witches cast a spell on Putin, Xi and the Iranian Mullahs. It worked for a while but as the bonhomie... by RN Prasher October 31, 2022November 1, 2022
Uncategorized The Tale of a patriotic conscript Sergei is a hard-core patriot. He had studied in the USSR where the teachers, all of whom had to be members of the Communist... by RN Prasher October 28, 2022October 29, 2022
Uncategorized Know how Sourav Bhardwaj of Aam Aadmi Party is trying to overtake his leader Arvind Kejriwal. It’s sad for any leader to see the members of his own political party trying to compete with him and tring to overtake... by Adarsh October 28, 2022
Uncategorized China: Birth of a new Emperor The legitimate (by Chinese standards) Xi Jinping died on October 23, 2022. A few moments later, an illegitimate child, also named Xi Jinping, was... by RN Prasher October 25, 2022October 25, 2022
Uncategorized The Nation of Shopkeepers Bites the Underdog Satirists are usually with the underdog; it is easy to make fun of the high and mighty. If you are already on the mat... by RN Prasher October 25, 2022October 25, 2022