What is Dharma?

Unique to the Indic world-view is the understanding that as one grows inwardly and spiritually so does one’s understanding of one’s dharma. In a progressive revelation dharma appears self-evident and obvious in an intuitive, vigyanamaya, understanding, that is not just mental, yet not infra-intellectual. For example, the entire Gita is an unveiling to Arjuna of his dharma through the eighteen chapters of instructions by Sri Krishna. If one might say that the Gita is a manual of the progressive unveiling of one’s dharma, one would not be incorrect.

UNHCR’s Zakat Fund: An Adorable Initiative

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the United Nations agency mandated to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, and...

A Case of Cultural digestion

Hallowe’en or Samhain? Cultural digestion by Church Samhain, pronounced as Saw-ween, was a pagan Celtic Druid festival. It marked the beginning of winter when...

Scientific Reason to wear mangalsutra by women

Mangalsutra, literally meaning the sacred-thread, is an important part of the Hindu culture .There are many types of mangalsutra available & in different states...

Manusmriti & Women Empowerment

Scripture as old as 2nd century BC which is orated in chaste Sanskrit following truthful  impeccability of Panini “Asthadhyayi “ should have been matter...