Sri Radha, the Human Divine

She holds Sri Krishna in her heart and because she holds him in her heart, she holds the Universe within. And she ascends to the highest and greatest of yogic realizations with this undemanding love, in the most natural manner, sahaja. The two crowning siddhis are hers, that of living in the atman eternally, and that of becoming the utmost flowering of the human heart.

Gaumutra Ark

Not just Indian but ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Aztec civilisations were also using urine therapy.

Durga Visarjan: Bidding Adieu to Maa

Bidding adieu to Durga Maa and immersing her ‘Murti’ in the waters is the ritual of ‘Visarjan’ that is performed every year, year after...

Ashtavakra Philosophy.

Ashtavakra Muni was so named because he was physically challenged with eight bends (Ashta-Vakra) or defects in his body. No mention of Ahtavakra Muni...

Ayudha Puja (Worshiping Weapons)

This year the Ayudha Puja Day a.k.a. Shastr Puja Day will be on October 25, 2020. Since When is it celebrated? It is generally...

Nartiang Durga Temple, Meghalaya

Nartiang Durga Temple is a 600-year-old Durga Temple located in West Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya. The Shakti of Nartiang Devi shrine is worshipped as Jayanti or Jainteshwari