Alauddin Khilji’s Devagiri Raid of 1296 – Fact or Fiction?

While we assume at face value that Alauddin Khilji raided Devagiri and took the fort, a reconstruction of the same is nearly impossible. Yadava Territory extended deep into Bundelkhand, Ramadeva was the last pre-Islamic king to rule Kashi and build a temple there and the distances involved from the borders of Yadava Empire, the troop strength of Alauddin Khilji and the contemporary politics of Deccan make one wonder if the raid really happen.

Gangadhar Who? An Attempt to identify the historic gangadhar nehru

Is Gangadhar Nehru Ghiyasuddin Ghazi, the Kotwal of Delhi during the 1857 Rebellion? I believe not. For a minute, let's assume he is. If he is, what can we infer regarding him from the contemporary literature? Is he Ghiyasuddin Ghazi or an equivalent of his?

Reviewing Indus Water Treaty: A Game changer in Indo-Pak Relations

Nehru virtually gifted to Pakistan 80 percent of the water, amounting to some 5,900 tmcft every year. One can imagine how huge a quantity this is that the Supreme Court’s order to Karnataka to release 3.8 tmcft of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu has created so much violence.

Rise of Russia and Fall of Persia in Eastern Caucasus

The Russian blood shed in Asia, on the shores of the Araks and the Caspian Sea, is no less precious than that shed in Europe on the shores of Moscow and the Seine, and the bullets of the Gauls and Persians cause the same suffering - Kotlyarevsky

10 Shocking facts about “Mahatma” Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi wanted Union Jack as part of Indian flag. He said "But what is wrong with having the Union Jack in a corner of our flag?.. we must also take note of the virtues of the British…If I had the power that I once had I would have taken the people to task for it."