Black Lives Matter: No Two Opinions

Black Lives Matter: No two Opinions. All Lives Matter: No two opinions. All Lives including Black Lives Matter: No Two opinions. Should police be...

Ecosystem of anti CAA riots

First ‘they’ pick on a Hindu voice, Kapil Mishra and then ‘they’ muddle the discourse in the name of Freedom of expression. ‘Activists’ are...

Assertive Bharat -Nervous China

Chinese foreign ministry issued a press release and in a visibly shaken tone exhorted India not to make any move that may complicate the border...

How Modi rattled China?

Japan is being stung by Chinese imperialism. China wants to capture few islands (two major ones – Senkaku and Diaoyu) from Japan and has...

India China Standoff & The Global Realignment

The 21st Century is popularly called as the Asian Century not without any reason! In 2050, three out of the top five and 12 out of the top 25 economies will be from Asia. Yet, the real story is not about economy, but about the geo-political aspirations backed by huge military buildup. To this, add China’s expansionist agenda and assertiveness on territorial claims leading to growing distrust and uneasiness and we have perfect ingredients for likely flare-ups. Is Asia going the same way as Europe went in the initial half of the 20th Century? What the emerging geo-political scenarios means for India and what options it can exercise?

A Big One is coming

Fear Of Earthquake Grips Delhi-NCR More than 20 small tremors in less than two month, the fear that a Big one is coming looms...