Assertive Bharat -Nervous China
Chinese foreign ministry issued a press release and in a visibly shaken tone exhorted India not to make any move that may complicate the border...
Chinese foreign ministry issued a press release and in a visibly shaken tone exhorted India not to make any move that may complicate the border...
Many civilizations have bloomed on earth with a strong impact on the masses. The fact is most of them also got narrowed down or...
Samudra Bharati is a socio-cultural organization that seeks to empower women in Coastal villages, even as we preserve our millennia old cultural practices. We seek to empower the embattled with your support.
GURU is made up of two syllables “GU” and “RU”. GU means darkness and RU means light and so the combination indicates one who...
Gurvina gulaamanaaguva thanaka Doreyadanna mukuthi Till you surrender yourself to your Guru, you will not get salvation– sings the Sangeeta Pitamaha, Sri Purandara Vitthala...
My every breath, my every strand of hair, my sinews, my every drop of blood, my every ability, my success, my life..
This news is from the beautiful place called Shillong(the Scotland of the East) and for the mainlanders this might come as a surprise or...
Recently India’s neighbour and Bread Daughter’s relationship keeper Nepal has passed a disputed map from it’s parliament, considering India’s territory of Kalapani, Lipulekh and...
“Moreover, the Ghaznavid position in the Panjab could not have been maintained by a purely quiescent leadership, for there was still fierce Hindu resistance in northern India to the Muslim armies in the later 12th century. It was only as a result of the victories of the Ghurid Mu'izzddin Muhammad, and especially, the second battle of Tarain or Taraori near Karnal in 1192, the killing of the Chauhan or Chahamana monarch Prithviraja and the occupation of Delhi, that there was a general collapse of Hindu resistance leading to the opening-up of the Ganges plain for the muslims to raid as far eastwards as Bengal.” Clifford Edmund Bosworth, The Later Ghaznavids: Splendour and Decay
The Hindu carries the responsibility of representing the oldest and most diverse religion that is the third largest in the world when it comes to number of followers. Recently, Netflix has faced a lot of criticism for producing shows that singularly target Hindus in a negative manner. But this is not the first time this happened, nor will it be the last. How we deal with misrepresentations of Hindu Dharma in modern media is a challenge for our generation.